Diseaseless Program - Symptoms Of Polio

Symptoms of polio like symptoms of many diseases, which are sore throat, fever and headache. There are two types of polio vaccine, protects against both man - God willing - of the three diseases of polio. Explanation: Polio definition: Polio serious infection caused by a virus, infects and may affect young adults sometimes may lead to a complete motor paralysis. Most patients infected with polio paralyzed permanent, because the paralysis may occur degrees in several groups of muscles.

There are two types of polio two spinal paralysis and bulbar paralysis, and Parkinson’s syndrome after. And spinal paralysis is the most common species of this type occurs when the virus attacks the paralysis of nerve cells that control the muscles in both legs, arms, torso and diaphragm, abdomen and pelvis. DiseaselessReviewScam.Com

The paralysis is one of the most dangerous types of polio, and arises as a result of disruption of the nerve cells in the brain stem, and control some of these nerves in the muscles of swallowing and moving eyes and tongue, face and neck, may be affected as well as the nerves that control breathing and circulation of fluids in the body.

Causes: There are three Viruses lead to polio, called Type I, II and III. Where the attack living cells and infection transmitted through the nose, mouth and reach the intestine, and with the blood supply to the brain by nerve fibers or blood-borne to the central nervous system.

Then enter into the nerve cell and multiply rapidly until cell or die, resulting paralysis when laceration several cells. Symptoms: Symptoms of polio like symptoms of many diseases, which are sore throat, fever, headache and vomiting, and these symptoms are so mild that it is difficult for a doctor to diagnose as polio, and the severe injuries they have the same symptoms earlier but, starts stiffness in the muscles of the back and neck muscles become weak and movement difficult, has pain occurs in each of the back and legs, especially if it became a member tight or lying, has been unable rights stand or walk if it managed to polio. Further You May Read About us by Ken Drew & Dr. Patel

Means of treatment: prevention is better than cure, there are two types of polio vaccine, protects against both man - God willing - of the three diseases, polio. The vaccine is given in the form of a typical doses in four doses, first dose is given at the end of the third month of age, and the second at the end of the fourth month, and the third at the end of the fifth month, the fourth dose and last a booster dose may be given at the end of the eighteenth month.


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